BSPC maintains support to the HELCOM BSAP

25.05.2010 kl. 11:50
“BSPC will continue to support the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan as the central tool for the restoration of good ecological status of the Baltic Sea by 2021” says Christina Gestrin, Chairman of the BSPC, attending the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting in Moscow on 20 May.

“Already at the Ministerial Meeting in Krakow in 2007, the HELCOM member states pledged to present National Implementation Plans at the Moscow meeting in 2010. The Baltic Sea is in a dire ecological state, and can not afford any delays of the actions to save it. Therefore, it is regrettable that not all HELCOM member states had managed to present Implementation Plans at the Moscow meeting. Now we expect that the rest of the states will follow suit and present their Implementation Plans at the high-level meeting of HELCOM in early 2011”, concludes Gestrin.

Via 25.5.2010

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