Christina Gestrin på Östersjöstaternas toppmöte i Vilnius

03.06.2010 kl. 10:20
Christina Gestrin, ordförande i den Parlamentariska Östersjökonferensen, deltog den 2 juni i Östersjöstaternas toppmöte i Vilnius (8th Baltic Sea States Summit). Toppmötet, som äger rum vartannat år, är ett forum för politiska överläggningar mellan statsministrarna från länderna i Östersjöregionen.

Christina Gestrin höll följande inlägg å BSPCs vägnar vid mötets början:

It is an honour to have been given the opportunity to address this distinguished audience. On behalf of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC), let me first of all convey our gratitude to you for inviting us to the 8th Baltic Sea States Summit.

I am glad to reaffirm the close, continuous and constructive interaction between CBSS and BSPC. In our opinion, CBSS has a central role as a driver for comprehensive action to manage the challenges of the Baltic Sea Region. We on our side have a pronounced ambition to synchronize our objectives and priorities with those of the corresponding bodies of the CBSS.

The promising initiatives and programmes that have been launched in and for the Baltic Sea Region must be transformed into practical deeds and results. The HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan is a central tool for restoring good ecological status of the Baltic Sea by 2021. Therefore, it was regrettable that not all HELCOM member states were able to present National Implementation Plans at the Moscow Ministerial meeting two weeks ago. BSPC now expects that the remaining states will present their Implementation Plans at the planned high-level meeting of HELCOM in early 2011. Moreover, maritime safety and security in the Baltic Sea must be enhanced. It is, for instance, necessary to strengthen the joint preparedness to tackle major oil spills.

Action requires resources. Hence, it is encouraging to hear international financial institutions assert that there is really no shortage of money for projects. What is lacking, however, is bankable projects, meaning realistic and viable projects to implement plans and programmes. Based on an initiative by parliamentarians of the region, the Nordic Investment Bank and the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation have launched a Trust Fund to support the development of bankable projects for the implementation of the HELCOM BSAP. This fund should be given full political and financial support from all governments in the region.

The EU Baltic Sea Strategy should be closely aligned with and conducted in the spirit of the Northern Dimension, which brings together both EU- and non-EU members as equal partners. An inclusive cooperation between all relevant stakeholders is necessary in order to find credible and sustainable solutions to the challenges of the Baltic Sea Region. Within BSPC, we are presently reviewing the criteria for admission of new observers.

The Baltic Sea Region is bustling with actors and initiatives. A practical and more structured dialogue between stakeholders would strengthen both their individual and their combined capacity to deal with the challenges of the Region. CBSS could use its leverage to push for such coordination.

Chairman! The next Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference – the 19th since 1991 – will be convened in Mariehamn on 29-31 August this year. The overriding theme of the Conference is Cooperation on Environment and Security. As always, CBSS is invited to the Conference, and we look very much forward to meeting you there.

Tal i Vilnius 2.6.2010

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